올림픽 토토PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR[09.07.15]
Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Films,
Nanoparticles and Nanowires
◆ Speaker : Prof. Neeraj Khare [Indian Institute of Technology Delhi]
◆ Place : Physics Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
◆ Date & Time : July 15 (Wed), 16:00 ~ 17:00 pm
Zinc oxide,올림픽 토토a direct wide band gap (3.37 eV)올림픽 토토semiconductor with large exciton올림픽 토토binding energy (60 meV) at room temperature,올림픽 토토has attracted a lot of interest in recent years due to its potential in applications in nanoscale electronics and optoelectronic devices.올림픽 토토This talk will discuss synthesis an properties of zinc oxide nanostructured films, nonoparticles, nanowires and its polymer composites and hetrojunctions. The nanostructured ZnO films have올림픽 토토been올림픽 토토deposited올림픽 토토using올림픽 토토rf-magnetron올림픽 토토sputtering올림픽 토토technique올림픽 토토whereas올림픽 토토the올림픽 토토ZnO nanowires have been synthesized by sol-gel technique.올림픽 토토ZnO올림픽 토토based올림픽 토토inorganic/organic hetrojunctions have been prepared using α -NPD and PEDOT: PSS p-type semiconducting organic올림픽 토토materials.올림픽 토토Nano올림픽 토토ZnO올림픽 토토polymer올림픽 토토composites올림픽 토토have올림픽 토토been synthesized using PANI and올림픽 토토PVA올림픽 토토polymers.올림픽 토토Optical올림픽 토토absorption올림픽 토토in올림픽 토토UV-visible올림픽 토토range, photoluminescence and second harmonic generation studies have been carried out for optical올림픽 토토characterization.올림픽 토토The band gap (obtained from optical absorption) and photoluminescence exciton올림픽 토토peak올림픽 토토of올림픽 토토ZnO올림픽 토토nanostructured올림픽 토토films올림픽 토토prepared올림픽 토토at올림픽 토토different substrate temperatures showed a올림픽 토토red올림픽 토토shift올림픽 토토which올림픽 토토can올림픽 토토not올림픽 토토be올림픽 토토fully올림픽 토토explained올림픽 토토in올림픽 토토the framework of size effect and has been attributed to the relaxation of the induced intrinsic compressive stress. Vertically aligned ZnO nanorods are grown on glass substrates올림픽 토토and these showed much enhanced second harmonic generation as compared to ZnO films.
Contact Person : Prof. Hu-Jong Lee(054-279-2072,올림픽 토토hjlee@postech.ac.kr)
Zinc Oxide Nanostructured Films,
Nanoparticles and Nanowires
◆ Speaker : Prof. Neeraj Khare [Indian Institute of Technology Delhi]
◆ Place : Physics Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
◆ Date & Time : July 15 (Wed), 16:00 ~ 17:00 pm
Zinc oxide,올림픽 토토a direct wide band gap (3.37 eV)올림픽 토토semiconductor with large exciton올림픽 토토binding energy (60 meV) at room temperature,올림픽 토토has attracted a lot of interest in recent years due to its potential in applications in nanoscale electronics and optoelectronic devices.올림픽 토토This talk will discuss synthesis an properties of zinc oxide nanostructured films, nonoparticles, nanowires and its polymer composites and hetrojunctions. The nanostructured ZnO films have올림픽 토토been올림픽 토토deposited올림픽 토토using올림픽 토토rf-magnetron올림픽 토토sputtering올림픽 토토technique올림픽 토토whereas올림픽 토토the올림픽 토토ZnO nanowires have been synthesized by sol-gel technique.올림픽 토토ZnO올림픽 토토based올림픽 토토inorganic/organic hetrojunctions have been prepared using α -NPD and PEDOT: PSS p-type semiconducting organic올림픽 토토materials.올림픽 토토Nano올림픽 토토ZnO올림픽 토토polymer올림픽 토토composites올림픽 토토have올림픽 토토been synthesized using PANI and올림픽 토토PVA올림픽 토토polymers.올림픽 토토Optical올림픽 토토absorption올림픽 토토in올림픽 토토UV-visible올림픽 토토range, photoluminescence and second harmonic generation studies have been carried out for optical올림픽 토토characterization.올림픽 토토The band gap (obtained from optical absorption) and photoluminescence exciton올림픽 토토peak올림픽 토토of올림픽 토토ZnO올림픽 토토nanostructured올림픽 토토films올림픽 토토prepared올림픽 토토at올림픽 토토different substrate temperatures showed a올림픽 토토red올림픽 토토shift올림픽 토토which올림픽 토토can올림픽 토토not올림픽 토토be올림픽 토토fully올림픽 토토explained올림픽 토토in올림픽 토토the framework of size effect and has been attributed to the relaxation of the induced intrinsic compressive stress. Vertically aligned ZnO nanorods are grown on glass substrates올림픽 토토and these showed much enhanced second harmonic generation as compared to ZnO films.
Contact Person : Prof. Hu-Jong Lee(054-279-2072,올림픽 토토hjlee@postech.ac.kr)