• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 승무패
토토 승무패
토토 승무패

Soci올림픽 토토 Physics Approach to Human Soci올림픽 토토ity: Computation올림픽


Extremely much intention has been drawn for 토토 승무패 for next generation electronics due to its high mobility. Poor on/off ratio ruled out 토토 승무패 transistor from the competitions. However, the issue is solved by 토토 승무패 barristors whose current is modulated by Schottky barrier height, formed at 토토 승무패-semiconductor junction. While Si is used for the first barristors, 2D semiconductors have taken over the position these days. In this talk, after briefly summarized 토토 승무패 device research, discussed will be exotic scaling laws of 토토 승무패-WS2 barristors, originated from unique properties of 2D semiconductors. In addition, new potential of barristors will be explored.