N스포츠 토토 판매점oscale 스포츠 토토 판매점d Qu스포츠 토토 판매점tum Photonics with
The availability of a “pulsed” 토토 승무패 source enables time-resolved measurements on versatile choices of materials via a repetitive pump-probe approach and speckle visibility analysis. In my first half of the talk, I would like to demonstrate versatile uses of a pump-probe based 토토 승무패 scattering method, better known as time-resolved 토토 승무패 diffraction [TRXD], for studying impulsive responses of bulk and heterostructure semiconductors upon femtosecond laser excitation. At 3rd generation light sources such as Pohang Light Source where the tunability over large 토토 승무패 energy range and delivery of high photon flux are possible, the TRXD methods allow us to access sub-angstrom spatial and sub-nanosecond temporal resolutions. In latter part of the talk, I would like present capabilities of hard 토토 승무패 free electron lasers [XFEL] whose underlying emission principle is quite different from tabletop optical lasers. In particular, the XFEL sources such as the Linac Coherent Light Source at SLAC deliver femtosecond hard 토토 승무패 pulses that are considered transversely fully coherent. Subsequently, I will elaborate on feasibilities of studying structures and dynamics in an amorphous system at atomic length and time scales at XFEL facilities.