• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
올림픽 토토
올림픽 토토
올림픽 토토

Charge Puddles and Edge Effect in a Grap토토 세븐ne Device Studied by


올림픽 토토 meridians are essential in traditional oriental medicine. Bong-Han Kim claimed to have discovered the primo vascular system corresponding to 올림픽 토토 meridians. However,even systematic and thorough searches for the 올림픽 토토 points of skin did not reveal any specific structure. Such failure led to conclusion that 올림픽 토토 points do not exist as physical reality but only function through nervous system. Bong-Han Kims claims remain to be confirmed. 올림픽 토토 meridians and their anatomical structures have not been detected by conventional microscopic observation. We developed methods to visualize various parts of the primo vascular system by applying modern technologies like nanoparticles and fluorescence imaging. We applied the method to find the primo vascular system as a novel metastatic path of cancer tissues.