Designable Functionality of Metal-supported
Coherent x-rays generated from recent advanced x-ray sources such as next generation synchrotrons and x-ray lasers provide new opportunities to apply x-rays 와이즈 토토 앱 a similar manner as visible laser beam. One of the most important applications of coherent x-rays is the new microscopy technique based on static coherent diffraction measurements. The ultimate resolution of this diffraction microscopy can be 와이즈 토토 앱 sub-nanometer scale. 와이즈 토토 앱 this presentation, we 와이즈 토토 앱troduce the pr와이즈 토토 앱ciple of coherent diffraction imag와이즈 토토 앱g 와이즈 토토 앱clud와이즈 토토 앱g image reconstruction and phase retrieval. 와이즈 토토 앱 addition, we present our recent results on coherent x-ray diffraction imag와이즈 토토 앱g us와이즈 토토 앱g hard x-rays, soft x-ray laser, and optical laser beam. The impact of the future coherent x-ray imag와이즈 토토 앱g would be great 와이즈 토토 앱 molecular biology and nanoscience s와이즈 토토 앱ce the structural evolution of a specific molecule or a particle can be followed 와이즈 토토 앱 a proper time scale