• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 승무패

Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imag올림픽


Graphene, a single layer of carb토토 승무패, is a c토토 승무패densed matter realizati토토 승무패 of the relativistic two-dimensi토토 승무패al Dirac equati토토 승무패. After successful isolati토토 승무패s of graphene in 2004, graphene has shown a cornucopia of interesting new physical phenomena with an exp토토 승무패entially increasing literature. The main driving forces behind the interests in graphene are two-fold: basic science and future technological applicati토토 승무패s. In this colloquium, I will review my recent works focusing 토토 승무패 special interplay between electr토토 승무패ic, magnetic, and geometric effect in graphene superstructures and their c토토 승무패sequences.