• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 세븐
토토 세븐
토토 세븐

토토 세븐


"Due to structural connectivity and flexibility, certain biological systems in meso-scale Manifest interesting cooperative dynamics under the barriers caused by external fields, confining and constraining environments. Its cooperative dynamics is important, no only in understanding how a biological system self-organizes by manipulating its flexible degrees of freedom, but also in a multitude biotechnological applications. Nature utilizes the ambient fluctuations in such biological soft-condensed matter to facilitate crossing

seemingly insurmountable barriers, which is typically assisted by shape changes and coupling of the collective modes of the fluctuations. As examples, I will talk about polymer dynamics through membranes and potential barriers, bubble formation in double-stranded DNA, membrane fusion, blood flow in a narrow vessel, which we have studied.