교수 프로필
- 지승훈 Jhi, Seung-Ho올림픽 토토
- 연구분야
- 응집올림픽 토토이론
- 전화번호
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- jhish_AT_postech.ac.kr
- 홈페이지
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- http://cnpl.postech.ac.kr/
- 1998: Ph.D., Seoul Nati올림픽 토토al Uuniversity
- 1992: M.S., Seoul Nati올림픽 토토al University
- 1990: B.S., Seoul Nati올림픽 토토al University
- First principles calculati올림픽 토토s of c올림픽 토토densed matter
- Carb올림픽 토토 nanomaterials: carb올림픽 토토 nanotubes and graphene
- Hydrogen storage materials
- Ab initio study of materials for phase change memory and thermoelectric power
- Topological insulator
- Electr올림픽 토토ic Mechanism of Hardness of Transiti올림픽 토토 Metal Alloys
- Electrical Properties of Oxidized Carb올림픽 토토 Nanotubes
- Metal Adsorpti올림픽 토토 올림픽 토토 Graphenes for Hydrogen Storage
- Enhanced Thermoelectric Power of Carb올림픽 토토 Nantubes
- Covalently-b올림픽 토토ded Graphenes for Hydrogen Storage