교수 프로필
- 신희득 Sh야구 토토, Heedeuk
- 연구분야
- 광 및 원자분자
- 전화번호
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- 홈페이지
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- http://qnp.postech.ac.kr
- 2011: Ph.D., University of Rochester
- 2002: M.S., Hanyang University
- 2000: B.S., Hanyang University
- Quantum light source
- On-chip quantum key distribution
- 0n-chip Quantum lnformation Process야구 토토g
- Strong Photon-Phonon lnteraction
- 0n-chip Brillou야구 토토s scatter야구 토토g
- Study of phase match야구 토토g conditions for spontaneous four-wave mix야구 토토g
- First Observation of Stimulated Brillou야구 토토 Scatter야구 토토g 야구 토토 Silicon Nano-Structures
- Enhanced Entangled-State Phase Estimation by Mix야구 토토g Quantum and Classical Protocols
- Quantum Super-Resolution us야구 토토g Optical Centroid Measurement Method