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  • 공지사항
토토 사이트 커뮤니티

Offer Graduate Fellowships [Kavli Institute of Theoretical 토토 사이트 커뮤니티, UC…

페이지 정보

2014.10.29 /5,759


The KITP is pleased to announce that, through the generosity of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, we are now able to offer 토토 사이트 커뮤니티 Fellowships to a select group of students from institutions outside the United States.

We wish to call your attention to an extraordinary opportunity for top-notch graduate students to spend 5-6 months at KITP.  Each semester, we will host a select group of visiting graduate students and provide them an opportunity to participate in our research programs, to broaden their perspectives on theoretical 토토 사이트 커뮤니티, and to meet leading researchers from all over the world.

Students may not apply but must be nominated by their advisors. Students who are interested should urge their research supervisors to nominate them.
Further information and the nomination form may be found on our web site athttp://www.kitp.ucsb.edu/for-scientists/fellowships/foreign-토토 사이트 커뮤니티-fellows.

For participation in the winter/spring of 2015, the application deadline is November 15. 

The KITP is especially eager to provide such opportunities for promising students from groups underrepresented in theoretical 토토 사이트 커뮤니티, such as women and minorities.


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