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토토 사이트

♠ 토토 사이트 개교20주년 기념사업 석학초청 강연 안내

페이지 정보

2006.10.11 /1,467


토토 사이트 개교20주년 기념사업의 일환으로 석학초청 강연을 아래와 같이 실시합니다.

연사 : Prof. David R. Nelson
(Lyman Laboratory of Physics , Harvard University)

[토토 사이트-01( technical lecture (at the level of a physics colloquium))]

일시 : 2006년 11월 27일(월) , 오후 3시 ~ 4시
장소 : 무은재기념관 5층 512호 (APCTP 세미나실)
토토 사이트제목 : Crystallography on Curved Surfaces: Virus Buckling and
Grain Boundary Scars
토토 사이트내용 : Ordered states on spheres require a minimum number of topological defects.
The difficulty of constructing ordered states was recognized by J. J.
Thomson, who discovered the electron and then attempted regular tilings of he sphere in an ill-fated attempt to explain the periodic table.토토 사이트One set
of solutions to thisThomson problem requires that regular triangular
lattices be interrupted by an array of at least 12 five-fold disclination
defects, typically sitting at the vertices of an icosahedron.토토 사이트For Ra,
where R is the sphere radius and a is the particle spacing, the energy
associated with these defects is very large. This energy can be lowered,
however, either by buckling, as appears to be the case for large viruses,
or by introducing unusual finite length grain boundary scars.토토 사이트The latter
have been observed recently for colloidal particles adsorbed onto water
droplets in oil.토토 사이트Related problems involving crystalline and liquid
crystal patterns on other curved surfaces will be discussed as well.

[토토 사이트-02(public lecture)]

일시 : 2006년 11월 28일(화) , 오전11시 ~ 12시30분
장소 : 정보통신연구소 중강당
토토 사이트제목 : Polymers, Biophysics and Crumpling
강연내용 : The past decade has witnessed a revolution in polymer science and biophysics, as scientists use exquisitely sensitive tools such as laser tweezers, novel linking agents and magnetic micro-beads to probe polymeric ingredients of thecentral dogma of biology, such as DNA and RNA, one molecule at a time.토토 사이트We discuss the role played by entropic elasticity, and describe experiments with force-induced unzipping of DNA.
Flexible polymerized ortethered membranes, which are natural generalizations of these linear polymer chains, are treated next.토토 사이트We again turn to biology, and discuss the spectrin skeleton of red blood cells.토토 사이트Theory predicts a remarkable flat phase, with anomalous roughness and singular elastic constants, caused by a delicate interplay between thermal fluctuations and the Gaussian curvature.토토 사이트Related issues associated with thefractal dimension of a crumpled piece of paper will be discussed as well.

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