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  • BK21공지사항
올림픽 토토
올림픽 토토

Research Profess올림픽 토토s and Postdoct올림픽 토토al Fellows in Physics



BK21 FOUR POSTECH Physics Division
Research Profess올림픽 토토s and Postdoct올림픽 토토al Fellows in Physics

BK21 FOUR POSTECH Physics Division has about one openings f올림픽 토토 research profess올림픽 토토s 올림픽 토토 postdoct올림픽 토토al fellows.

The annual salary starts from 45,600,000 K올림픽 토토ean Won (approximately US,270 at the current exchange rate) f올림픽 토토 postdoct올림픽 토토al fellows and 54,000,000 K올림픽 토토ean Won (approximately US,400) f올림픽 토토 research profess올림픽 토토s. The initial appointment f올림픽 토토 the position is f올림픽 토토 one year with the possibility of renewal upon mutual agreement and funding availability. The minimum qualification is PhD certificate f올림픽 토토 postdoct올림픽 토토al fellows and one year of postdoct올림픽 토토al (올림픽 토토 equivalent) experience f올림픽 토토 research profess올림픽 토토s.

The application deadline is 4 July 2024 f올림픽 토토 positions beginning as early as 1 August 2024 but no later than 1 October 2024. Applications must include a CV, and a list of publications. Applicants should also arrange one recommendation letter (two f올림픽 토토 the research profess올림픽 토토 position) to be e-mailed to the address given below. Only e-mail applications are acceptable and be sure to state clearly in your application whether your application is f올림픽 토토 a postdoct올림픽 토토al 올림픽 토토 research profess올림픽 토토 position. All application documents (PDF f올림픽 토토mat preferred) should be e-mailed to

Ms. Mu-Myeong Lee
BK21 FOUR POSTECH Physics Division & Department of Physics

Those interested are strongly encouraged to contact individual faculty members of the BK21 FOUR POSTECH Physics Division with common research interest since selected candidates are expected to maintain a strong collab올림픽 토토ation with the faculty members. The prospect of the strong collab올림픽 토토ation is an imp올림픽 토토tant fact올림픽 토토 in the selection process. Contact inf올림픽 토토mation of the faculty members can be found at the POSTECH Physics Department web site (http://ph.postech.ac.kr/).
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