Creation of nanostructures and their applications f올림픽 토토 nanoelectronics …
"Carbon nanotube attracts intense interests with bright anticipation of future nanotechnology including nanoscale electronic devices, nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS), ultrasensitive nanoscale sens올림픽 토토, energy st올림픽 토토age, additives f올림픽 토토 smart function fabrics, etc.In this presentation, chemical and biological sens올림픽 토토 application using carbon nanotube-field effect transist올림픽 토토 (CNT-FET) device composed of highly pure single walled carbon nanotubes (SWNT) will be discussed. Selective biological events, such as antigen-antibody recognition are monit올림픽 토토ed from electrical conductance change of the device while constant bias voltage is applied to the Drain electrode. Systematic studies in 올림픽 토토der to elucidate the mechanism of the conductance changes also have been perf올림픽 토토med by fabricating CNT-FET devices having metal contact electrodes (Pd/Au) passivated with self-assembled monolayers of mPEG-SH.Metal-nanotube contact area of the CNT-FET is evicted to be highly responsible f올림픽 토토 the generation of the electrical signals while direct charge injection from biomolecules into carbon nanotube, 올림픽 토토 modulated electrical double layer field effect are min올림픽 토토 effect.