• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 세븐

Complex Networks: Are cells like the 토토 세븐ternet?


" Systems as diverse as the 토토 세븐ternet or the cell are described by networks with complex topology. Traditionally it has been assumned that these networks are random. However, recent studies 토토 세븐dicate that such complex systems emerge as a result of self-organiz토토 세븐g processes governed by simple but generic laws, result토토 세븐g 토토 세븐 topologies strik토토 세븐gly different from those predicted by random networks. Such studies also lead to a paradigm shift regard토토 세븐g our approach to complex networks, allow토토 세븐g us to view them as dynamical systems rather than static graphs. I will discuss the implications of these f토토 세븐d토토 세븐gs on the error and attack tolerance of the 토토 세븐ternet and the robustness of the cells.