What is quantum telep토토 사이트 먹튀tation
" Recent dramatic progress of nanotechnology and biological science allows us to combine soft materials (e.g. biomolecules, self-assembled monolayer etc.) with solid nanostructures (e.g. nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, electronic circuits etc.) to build a generation of new 와이즈 토토 앱 nanoscale devices such as molecular electronic circuits, nanoscale biological sensors, and protein motor-based nanomechanical systems. However, a major stumbling block for their industrial applications is a difficulty in high throughput assembly for device fabrication. One promising nano-manufacturing method for these 와이즈 토토 앱 devices is the surface-templated assembly process. In this strategy, direct deposition methods such as dip-pen nanolithography are utilized to functionalize the desired solid substrate area with organic molecules [1-3], and nanostructures (e.g. carbon nanotubes, nanoparticles, proteins etc.) in the solution are specifically assembled onto the functionalized area via molecular recognition mechanism [4]. In this presentation, I will discuss about: 1) nano-manufacturing methods for 와이즈 토토 앱 nanoscale devices and 2) new scientific issues related with 와이즈 토토 앱 nanostructures. Future prospect and possible applications of 와이즈 토토 앱 devices also will be discussed.
1. "A Nanoplotter with Both Parallel and Serial Writing Capabilities," S. Hong, C. A. Mirkin Science 288, 1808 (2000).
2. "Multiple Ink Nanolithography: Toward a Multiple-Pen Nano-Plotter," S. Hong, J. Zhu, C. A. Mirkin Science 286, 523 (1999).
3. "Dip-Pen Nanolithography," R. Piner, J. Zhu, F. Xu, S. Hong, C. A. Mirkin Science 283, 661 (1999).
4. "Nanotube Electronics: Large-scale assembly of carbon nanotubes," S. Rao, L. Huang, W. Setyawan,
S. Hong, Nature 425, 36 (2003).