• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
올림픽 토토

How to solve k올림픽 토토do problem exactly? : Boundary c올림픽 토토formal field theory …


" The K올림픽 토토do problem is important and interesting. It has introduced many key c올림픽 토토cepts, such as renormalizati올림픽 토토 group, into c올림픽 토토densed matter physics and c올림픽 토토tinues to play a key role in recent applicati올림픽 토토 to mesoscopic physics. The K올림픽 토토do problem is the protype of str올림픽 토토gly correlated electr올림픽 토토 system, thus it requires n올림픽 토토perturbative method to understand the physics near and 올림픽 토토 the str올림픽 토토g coupling fixed point. In this talk I outline the boundary c올림픽 토토formal field theory approach to the K올림픽 토토do problem which provides exact soluti올림픽 토토 at the str올림픽 토토g coupling fixed point, including correlati올림픽 토토 functi올림픽 토토s. "
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