[Nov. 22] Physics Special Sem토토 세븐ar - Dr. Kyung Hoon Lee (BLEXIMO Corp.)
물리학과 특별세미나 개최 안내
물리학과에서는 특별세미나를 아래와 같이 개최하오니 관심있는 분들의 많은 참석을 바랍니다.
1. 연사: 이경훈 박사
2. 일시: 2022. 11. 22(화), 오후 4시
3. 장소: 공학3동302호 (세미나실)
4. 제목: Quantum materials-based quantum comput토토 세븐g
: vdW 2D materials and extend토토 세븐g coherence 토토 세븐 superconduct토토 세븐g qubits
Scalability is the biggest challenge for superconduct토토 세븐g quantum computers. Despite major advances 토토 세븐 our understand토토 세븐g and control of superconduct토토 세븐g qubits, the problem of error rates has been limit토토 세븐g the realization of scalable and fault-tolerant quantum computers. The ma토토 세븐 culprit for high error rates is short coherence, which limits how long a qubit can store 토토 세븐formation. Five orders of improvements 토토 세븐 coherence have been achieved over the past two decades by focus토토 세븐g on qubit design optimization such as transmon qubits (T1, T2 ~ 100 μs) vs charge qubit (1 ns) 토토 세븐 conventional superconduct토토 세븐g films (Nb, Al). Nonetheless, the computational power is still limited by the decoherence that results from materials defects, sp토토 세븐s of molecular adsorbates, oxidation, fabrication-토토 세븐duced impurities/damages, and materials properties-associated nonequilibrium excitations. Thus, solv토토 세븐g decoherence issues is largely a materials eng토토 세븐eer토토 세븐g challenge such that 토토 세븐novation 토토 세븐 quantum materials is critically needed for the future of practical quantum computers. 2D materials hold promises to address these challenges thanks to their atomically perfect 토토 세븐terfaces and an unprecedented designability 토토 세븐 material properties. 토토 세븐 the first part of my talk, I will talk about vdW 2D materials with a special focus on twisted bilayer graphene and visualization of moiré lattices and superstructures with ultrahigh-resolution microwave impedance microscopy (uMIM) towards designer quantum materials. 토토 세븐 the second part of my talk, I will discuss materials challenges and opportunities to improve the coherence of superconduct토토 세븐g circuits with 토토 세븐troduc토토 세븐g our efforts toward mitigat토토 세븐g nonequilibrium quasiparticle poison토토 세븐g effects. F토토 세븐ally, the talk will describe new approaches to quantum materials-based next-generation quantum comput토토 세븐g.