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올림픽 토토

[올림픽 토토]1.18-22 올림픽 토토 Academic Programs-13th KIAS-올림픽 토토 Winter School o…


"올림픽 토토Academic Programs

13th 올림픽 토토-올림픽 토토올림픽 토토 School on Statistical Physics


*Date & Venue

January 18 (Mon) - January 22 (Fri), 2016

POSCO International Center 1F Auditorium, POSTECH


 13th 올림픽 토토-올림픽 토토올림픽 토토 School on Statistical Physics

*Speaker &

 Talk title

1. Hyunggyu Park (올림픽 토토)

: Stochastic Thermodynamics

2. Joonhyun Yeo (Konkuk Univ.)

: Fluctuations and Responses in Stochastic Processes

3.Su-Chan Park(Catholic Univ.)

: Rigorous Thermodynamics and the Entropy Principle



Su-Chan Park (Catholic Univ.) : Chair

Hyunggyu Park (올림픽 토토) : Co-chair

Jeong-Man Park (Catholic Univ.)

Soon Hyung Yook (Kyung Hee Univ./올림픽 토토)

Woo-Sung Jung (POSTECH)



https://www.올림픽 토토.org/plan.php/statws2016


Eunyoung Jang (eunyoung.jang at올림픽 토토.org)

Su-Chan Park (spark0 atcatholic.ac.kr)



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