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토토 세븐

토토 세븐[APCTP] [2.22~26] APCTP Academic Programs- 2016 quantum Materials Symp…


"APCTP Academic Programs
           2016 Quantum Materials Symposium



*Date & Venue

February 22 (Mon) ~ 26 (Fri), 2016

 Muui Island Homeplus Academy, Korea


 2016 Quantum Materials Symposium


During the five-day symposium, we hope to cover various topics in condensed matter physics such as topological insulators, correlated materials with strong spin-orbit coupling, nonequilibrium physics, pump-probe experiments, quantum Hall effects, novel superconductors, and so on.

* Speaker

1. R. Arita (토토 세븐. of Tokyo)
2 X. Chen (Tsinghua 토토 세븐.)
3. G. A. Csathy (Purdue 토토 세븐.)
4. X. Dai (IOP)
5. D. Dessau (토토 세븐. of Colorado)
6. M. I. Eremets (MPI)
7. A. Fujimori (토토 세븐. of Tokyo)
8. V. Galitski (토토 세븐. of Maryland)
9. M. Grioni (EPFL)
10. J. H. Han (Sungkyunkwan 토토 세븐.)
11. J. K. Jain (Penn State 토토 세븐.)
12. I. Jo (Princeton 토토 세븐.)
13. Y. Jo (Kyungpook Natl 토토 세븐.)
14. W. Kang (토토 세븐. of Chicago)
15. G. Khaliullin (MPI)
16. J.-H. Kim (Yonsei 토토 세븐.)

17. H.-J. Lee (POSTECH)
18. L. Lu (IOP)
19. E.-G. Moon (KAIST)
20. H. J. Noh (Chonnam Nat’l 토토 세븐.)
21. T. W. Noh (Seoul Nat’l 토토 세븐.)
22. K. Ohgushi (Tohoku 토토 세븐.)
23. T. Okuda (Hiroshima 토토 세븐.)
24. S. Onoda (RIKEN)
25. T. Schmitt (PSI)
26. J. Smet (MPI)
27. Y. W. Son (KIAS)
28. K. Sun (토토 세븐. of Michigan)
29. T. Tohyama (Tokyo 토토 세븐.)
30. P. Werner (토토 세븐. of Fribourg)
31. S. Wu (Fudan 토토 세븐.)
32. B.-J. Yang (Seoul Natl 토토 세븐.)

*Website &



*Due date: 2016. 1. 20.


Deure Park (박드레) pdr3385@kias.re.kr


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