• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 사이트
토토 사이트
토토 사이트

토토 사이트 순위Biophoton and


"The word ""tachyon"" have been much confused by public and abused by movie makers and television writers in Holliwood; as ""faster-than-light particles"", 토토 사이트 are perceived to be capable of creating such wonderful and terrible things as ""wormhole"" and ""spacetime anomaly."".
In real world, 토토 사이트 are more commonplace than imagined, existence of which simply means that the system is sitting at a local maxima or at a saddle point of the potential where the notion of particles as small excitations fails to serve as a useful concept. ""Existence of tachyon"" in this sense leads to many intriguing phenomena. One particularly well-known is superconductivity; another is the Inflationary cosmology, evidence for which has been accumulating for some time by now, via various Cosmic Microwave Backrgound observations such as COBI and Boomerang as well as Supernovae observations. In the first 30 years of string theories, which have been perturbative and first quantized, 토토 사이트 were avoided like a plague. In a technical sense, it would signal the string theory in question is unstable and must be rewritten in terms of new variables. Much of this is still true, but recently we are struggling to understand such unstable string theories, or at least small piece of relevant properties. Study of tachyon in string theory gave many surprises and began to uncover hidden structures behind the usual first quantized string theories. It also gave us a novel candidate for Inflaton, identification of which in the context of string theory has been very illusive. In this talk, I will review physics of tachyon in the simplest term, with examples of superconductivity and inflationary universe, illustrate appearance of 토토 사이트 in string theories, and outline newly emerging features of string theories found with help of such 토토 사이트.