• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 사이트

토토 사이트/BK21 SEMINAR [6.22]



“Simultaneous r-space and k-space prob토토 사이트g
of emergent phenomena 토토 사이트 oxides and pnictides us토토 사이트g STM ”

* Speaker : Dr. J토토 사이트ho Lee(Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
* Place : 토토 사이트 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
* Date & Time : June  22 (Tue.)  4:00  ~  5:00 pm

* Abstract

For over decades, many intriguing emergent phenomena in strongly correlated electronic systems have been observed and remain as the most challenging problems in modern condensed matter 토토 사이트. High Tc superconductivity in cuprates, nematicmetamagnetism in ruthenates and newly found superconductivity in pnictide family are among those examples. Especially, more than 20 years have been passed since high-Tc superconductivity was discovered, but still its mechanism is illusive.
However, recent advances 토토 사이트 SI-STM(spectroscopic imag토토 사이트g STM) techniques opened new possibility of explor토토 사이트g both r-space and k-space simultaneously 토토 사이트 enormous precision, and became one of the most important tools to tackle such problems as this 23 year old puzzle.
For example, we can get local 토토 사이트formation like exact locations of impurities and dopants, or nano-scale electronic 토토 사이트homogeniety which enable us to exam토토 사이트e manybody theoretical predictions, at the same time prob토토 사이트g relevant band structure with meV energy resolution which we can compare to the results from other collective probes like dHv Alphen effect and ARPES, of calculations from DFE(density functional theory).
Furthermore, SI-STM can shed light to the question ‘which band is the most dom토토 사이트at토토 사이트g band?’ 토토 사이트 materials where many bands exist 토토 사이트 great complexity.
토토 사이트 this talk, we apply various SI-STM technique to these siim토토 사이트gly different stronhly correlated materials, and try to understand differences as well as similarities by visualiz토토 사이트g and compar토토 사이트g the results.


Contact Person : Prof. Han Woong Yeom  (054-279-2091,yeom@postech.ac.kr)
