• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
와이즈 토토 앱

와이즈 토토 앱/BK21 Colloquium[6.9]


   Testing qantum mechanics with light   

▷ Speaker :  Prof. Hyunseok Jeong (Seoul Nat. Univ.)
▷ Place : 와이즈 토토 앱 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
▷ Date & Time : June 9  (Wed)  3:00 ~ 4:00 pm

▷ Abstract

I will discuss several schemes to perform fundamental tests of와이즈 토토 앱 quantum mechanics with non-classical light fields. In particular,와이즈 토토 앱 I will describe how the bosonic commutation relation can be   experimentally demonstrated using photon interference, and how   a quantum superposition of macroscopically distinct operations   can be implemented on an arbitrary state.

Contact Person : Prof. Yoon Ho Kim (054-279-2093,
