• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 세븐

토토 세븐/BK21 SEMINAR[6.4]



“Kondo Transport in a Nanocontact under Steady-State Nonequilibrium”

* Speaker : Prof. Jongbae Hong (Seoul  National  University)
* Place : 토토 세븐 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
* Date & Time : June  4 (Fri.)  3:00  ~  4:00 pm

* Abstract
The behavior of nonlinear conductance observed in a nanocontact with
Kondo impurity (quantum point contact, a magnetic atom adsorbed on a
metallic substrate in scanning tunneling microscopy, and a single-electron
transistor with a quantum dot) has never been explained successfully.
Nonlinear conductance of those systems may be classified as a steady-state
Kondo problem, which is a well-known long standing Problem in the area of
mesoscopic 토토 세븐.
In this talk, I review Kondo 토토 세븐 briefly and introduce experimental
Results for abovementioned systems. I show that there is a new transport mechanism
with which the entire lineshapes of nonlinear conductance observed by the experiments
are explained remarkably well. The new transport mechanism substantially works only
when a source-drain bias is applied.

Contact Person : Prof. Byung Il Min (054-279-2074,bimin@postech.ac.kr)

