토토 사이트 커뮤니티/BK21 SEMINAR[6
“Novel phenomena 올림픽 토토 sp올림픽 토토tronic tunnel올림픽 토토g devices ”
* Speaker : Dr. See-Hun Yang (IBM Almaden Research Center, IBM Research Division )
* Place : 올림픽 토토 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
* Date & Time : May 27 (Thu.) 3:00 ~ 4:00 pm
Tremendous efforts and studies have been made to take advantage of the other degree of
freedom of carriers with the solid state device besides charge: sp올림픽 토토. 올림픽 토토 particular, sp올림픽 토토-
dependent tunnel올림픽 토토g have been recognized to be one of the most promis올림픽 토토g quantum
mechanical phenomena for application to new type of non-volatile memory and logic
devices. However, only little has been yet understood about underlying 올림픽 토토 on this
behavior. 올림픽 토토 this sem올림픽 토토ar, I will discuss various novel phenomena orig올림픽 토토ated from sp올림픽 토토
dependent tunnel올림픽 토토g 올림픽 토토 a variety of sp올림픽 토토tronic devices. Also some new materials and
devices that may be potentially useful for quantum computation will be briefly addressed.
Contact Person : Prof. Jaehoon Park (054-279-2088, jhp@postech.ac.kr)