스포츠 토토 라이브 스코어/BK21 Colloquium[5
“Dynamic nanomechanical probing of material properties:
토토 분석 elastic moduli to spin-orbit coupling”
* Speaker : Dr. Yun Daniel Park (Seoul National University)
* Place : 토토 분석 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
* Date & Time : May 20 (Thu.) 4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
Ø Abstract
The 토토 분석 is in two parts, with an overall theme to utilize nanomechanical
structures to study material 토토 분석, from elastic theory to carrier-mediated
ferromagnetic ordering, at nanoscales. The first is to outline a need for material
characterization at the ‘chip-level’: scaling material property measurement techniques
at nanoscales. Accurate and precise measurements of multiscale material properties.
such as elastic moduli and thermal conductivities. become nontrivial at nanoscales.
Characterization techniques need to minimize the effects of an experimental set-up,
requiring micromachining and integration of experimental probes. Elastic moduli can
be measured 토토 분석 dynamic flexural response of freestanding nanostructures. Thermal
conductivities can be also measured 토토 분석 freestanding nanostructures, isolated 토토 분석
environmental effects, with integrated temperature sensors and heaters. As an
example, enhancements in thermal-elastic properties of a nanolaminate composed of
metallic thin-film (Al) and self-assembled carbon nanotubes (Al-CNT) is
demonstrated [1]. The second part is to demonstrate the ability to selectively
manipulate material properties at nanoscales by utilizing integrated nanomechanical
probes. Recently, there has been a wide-ranging interest in the effects of strain: 토토 분석
commercially driven strained-Si with its high mobilities to fundamentally interesting
graphene and multiferroic perovskite transition metal oxides. Here, I will demonstrate
the effect of local strain at nanoscales on the intrinsic Anomalous Hall Effect (AHE)
of a diluted magnetic semiconductor GaMnAs [2]. By realizing a mechanically-
buckled Hall microbar with multiple probes, we can deduce the effects of strain on
both the ferromagnetic ordering and magnetic anisotropy. We find large reduction in
both the AHE and planar Hall Effect with compressive stress. 토토 분석 such findings,
we demonstrate a simple and scalable mechanical low-power memory element with
large signal-to-noise ratios.
[1] J. H. Bak, et al., Nature Mater. 7, 459 (2008).
[2] S. H. Chun, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 026601 (2007).
Contact Person : Prof. Jaehoon Park (054-279-2088, jhp@postech.ac.kr)