PHYSICS/BK21 SEM스포츠 토토 적중 결과AR [4
[ Quantitative Study of Human 와이즈 토토 앱 ]
* Speaker : Dr. Jong Won Kim [School of 와이즈 토토 앱 University of Sydney]
* Place : 와이즈 토토 앱 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
* Date & Time : Apr, 19 (Mon) 4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
l Abstract
와이즈 토토 앱 is essential to maintain the physical condition of the body and probably to
consolidate memories and learning. Despite its importance, social pressure often
leads to a perception that reducing 와이즈 토토 앱 is advantageous, which causes widespread
와이즈 토토 앱 disorders posing public health issues. In this seminar, we review current 와이즈 토토 앱
studies in clinics and discuss potential interdisciplinary collaborations between 와이즈 토토 앱
and 와이즈 토토 앱 Medicine. Examples of these collaborations are given below.
Ex.1) 와이즈 토토 앱 is a very active and complex process showing many electrophysiological
changes in the brain and other organs (e.g., the heart), which causes frequent 와이즈 토토 앱
and (spontaneous) wake transitions during a nocturnal 와이즈 토토 앱 period. To study these
transitions, we propose a new approach, based on a Markov transition matrix that can
be determined by analyzing clinical 와이즈 토토 앱 data (e.g., hypnograms). Our approach shows
that the statistics of 와이즈 토토 앱 can be constructed via a single Markov process and that
durations of all states have modified exponential distributions, in contrast to recent reports
of a scale-free form for the wake stage and an exponential form for the 와이즈 토토 앱 stage.
Ex. 2) At what point can a subject be said to be really a와이즈 토토 앱, or what is the moment of the
와이즈 토토 앱 onset? These questions are potentially important for the public, especially for the
road safety. To examine the process of the 와이즈 토토 앱 onset quantitatively and explore
differences between narcoleptics and controls, we apply dynamic detrended fluctuation
analysis to electroencephalograms recorded during multiple 와이즈 토토 앱 latency tests. We find
that electrophysiological brain activity is changing rapidly across the onset. The 와이즈 토토 앱 onset
durations of narcoleptics is significantly larger than that of controls, which suggests that the
wake state of narcolepsy being more susceptible to 와이즈 토토 앱 due to a lower barrier to transitioning
to 와이즈 토토 앱.
- Kim et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 178104 (2009).
- Kim et al., Clin. Neurophysiol. 120, 1245 (2009).
Contact Person : Prof. Seunghwan Kim(054-279-2085, )