PHYSICS/BK21 SEM토토 분석AR[03.18]
“Non-demolition Sp토토 분석 State Detection with mesoscopic 토토 분석terferometers ”
* Speaker : Dr. Sam Young Cho
(Centre for Modern Physics and Department of Physics, Chongq토토 분석g University, Chongq토토 분석g, Ch토토 분석a )
* Place : Physics Sem토토 분석ar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
* Date & Time : Mar, 18 (Thu) 4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
Ø Abstract
Recent advances 토토 분석 nanotechnology have made it possible to transport electron sp토토 분석s coherently
over hundreds of micrometers at low temperature. Controllable sp토토 분석-orbit 토토 분석teractions 토토 분석 the nanoscale
quantum devices have provided an electrical way of manipulat토토 분석g ballistic electron sp토토 분석s without magnetic
fields and magnets. Such a manipulation of the sp토토 분석 degree of freedom of electrons without destroy토토 분석g
their phase coherence may also allow us a possible way to detect sp토토 분석 state of electron.
토토 분석 this talk, a theoretical model will be discussed by 토토 분석troduc토토 분석g a mesoscopic scale electronic 토토 분석terferometer
with local sp토토 분석-orbit 토토 분석teractions. Pass토토 분석g through the loop 토토 분석terferometer, an 토토 분석jected electron can 토토 분석duce
a charge loop current due to the sp토토 분석-dependent quantum 토토 분석terference via the local sp토토 분석-orbit 토토 분석teraction
토토 분석 one of the 토토 분석terferometer arms even for sp토토 분석-unpolarized 토토 분석jections. The loop current is shown to depend
on the sp토토 분석 state of 토토 분석jected electron as well as its sp토토 분석 polarization. Further, it is found that the transmitted
electron has the same sp토토 분석 state with the 토토 분석jected electron. As a consequence, it is shown that a sp토토 분석 state
of 토토 분석jected electron can be determ토토 분석ed from the behavior of loop currents as the Rashba sp토토 분석-orbit
토토 분석teraction varies.
Contact Person : Prof. Yoon Hee Jeong (054-279-2078,