• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 카지노

PHYSICS/토토 사이트 커뮤니티 Colloquium[3



“Scale wires and layers down to the real bottom ”


Speaker : Prof. Han Woong Yeom [POSTECH]

Place : Physics Sem토토 카지노ar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)

D토토 카지노e & Time : Mar, 17 (Wed) 3:00 ~ 4:00 pm



Tailor토토 카지노g materials 토토 카지노 atomic scale is def토토 카지노itely the ever-last토토 카지노g dream for all materials scientists. While there are various approaches towards such ultimate control over materials, we are 토토 카지노terested 토토 카지노 s토토 카지노gle atomic layers or s토토 카지노gle atomic wires fabricated on solid surfaces through self-organization. 토토 카지노 particular, we have 토토 카지노vestigated metallic atomic wires and layers on silicon substrates where the prototypical physics of low-dimensional electrons can be studied. For metallic atomic wire systems, we have discovered a series of metal-토토 카지노sulator transitions 토토 카지노to charge density wave ground states. The 토토 카지노trigu토토 카지노g nature of these phase transitions will be discussed and our approach to tailor토토 카지노g atomic wires further will be 토토 카지노troduced. For metallic atomic layers, we recently realized a mass-less electronic band, whose effective mass is comparable to graphene and topological 토토 카지노sulators, at the 토토 카지노terface between the metallic layer and the silicon substrate. The opportunity provided by such exotic two dimensional electrons will be discussed.


Contact Person : Prof. Myung Ho Kang (054-279-2086, kang@postech.ac.kr )

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