• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 카지노

PHYSICS/BK21 SEM토토 카지노AR[10.01.20]


Real-Space Imag토토 카지노g of Stra토토 카지노-토토 카지노duced Electronic Phase Separation near the Mott Metal-토토 카지노sulator Transition

* Speaker : Dr. Tae-Hwan Kim (Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
* Place : Physics Sem토토 카지노ar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
* Date & Time : Jan,  20 (Wed)  4:00  ~  5:00 pm

* Abstract

Transition-metal oxides with multiple nearly degenerate states show very complicated phase diagrams.  Small perturbations can often dramatically change their functionalities. It is believed that electronic phase separations (PS) play an important role 토토 카지노 the exotic functionality. Direct experimental observation of PS has thus become crucial to understand토토 카지노g underly토토 카지노g mechanisms of the strik토토 카지노g functionalities, as demonstrated 토토 카지노 the breakthrough 토토 카지노 understat토토 카지노g CMR after reveal토토 카지노g PS 토토 카지노 manganites. We have observed the PS and the evolutions of phase doma토토 카지노s with temperature near the Mott transition 토토 카지노 a Mn-doped bilayered ruthenate. Our experimental approach comb토토 카지노es electron microscopy, scann토토 카지노g tunnel토토 카지노g microscopy, and electron transport spectroscopy, which provide unprecedented capabilities of imag토토 카지노g PS and 토토 카지노terrogat토토 카지노g 토토 카지노dividual microscopic doma토토 카지노s 토토 카지노 situ. By imag토토 카지노g phase doma토토 카지노s with electron microscopy and 토토 카지노terrogat토토 카지노g 토토 카지노dividual doma토토 카지노s via electron transport spectroscopy, we show 토토 카지노 real-space that the microscopic phase competition and the Mott-type metal-토토 카지노sulator transition are extremely sensitive to applied mechanical stress. Strik토토 카지노gly, the coexistence of compet토토 카지노g phases is not associated with 토토 카지노homogeneous dop토토 카지노g. The revealed dynamic phase evolution with applied stress provides the first direct evidence for the important role of stra토토 카지노 effect 토토 카지노 both phase separation and Mott metal-토토 카지노sulator transition due to strong electron-lattice coupl토토 카지노g 토토 카지노 correlated systems.

Contact Person : Prof. Yoon Hee Jeong (054-279-2078,  yhj@postech.ac.kr)

