야구 토토PHYSICS/BK21 Colloquium[09.12.4]
“Doubly Terahertz Nano Metamaterials”
Ø* Speaker : Prof. Dae Sik Kim [Seoul National University]
Ø* Place : Demonstration Lecture Hall 122,야구 토토Postech Information Research Laboratories
Ø* Date & Time :야구 토토Dec,야구 토토4(Fri)야구 토토4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
Thin layers of semiconductors, superconductors, correlated electron systems, and polymers are the
core elements of modern science and technology. Metamaterials research also heavily utilizes thin
films, nonlinear index increases of which caused by photo-excitation, voltage, or temperature have
been used to actively control technologically important야구 토토long야구 토토wavelength야구 토토electromagnetic야구 토토waves.
These control attempts are however met with only partial success, because the l/1,000 ~ l/100,000
films are optically too thin even considering the large dielectric constants, and야구 토토also야구 토토because야구 토토the
Control야구 토토has야구 토토limited야구 토토spectral야구 토토range야구 토토around야구 토토resonance.야구 토토Here,야구 토토we야구 토토show야구 토토that야구 토토broadband,야구 토토long
wavelength nano야구 토토antennas야구 토토on야구 토토VO2야구 토토(vanadium dioxide) films,야구 토토initially야구 토토transparent야구 토토to야구 토토incoming
electromagnetic waves, achieve a 100,000 to 1 extinction by phase transition야구 토토of야구 토토the야구 토토underlying
thin film, thereby increasing the dielectric constant to over 500,000. Our scheme, utilizing strongly
evanescent wavevector components below the nanoscale features, offering orders of magnitudes
tenability of nonlinearities and dielectric constants, bridges the gap between thin film technology,
nanotechnology, and active metamaterials researches.
Contact Person : Prof. Dong-Eon Kim(054-279-2089,kimd@postech.ac.kr)