스포츠 토토 판매점ICS/BK21 SEMINAR[09.10
Ultrabroadb토토 사이트 순위d Terahertz Spectroscopy
of Semiconductor N토토 사이트 순위ostructures
♦ Speaker : Dr. Hyunyong Choi [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory]
♦ Place : 토토 사이트 순위 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
♦ Date & Time : Sep, 30(Wed) 4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
The terahertz (THz) electromagnetic wave - frequency range broadly defined as 0.1-30 THz (1 mm -15 ㎛ wavelength) - is at the interface of modern electronics and photonics. This electromagnetic spectrum has been much less explored and has been called theterahertz gapdue to the lack of efficient, room-temperature sources and detectors. Despite these difficulties, there has been recent explosion of interest in using THz pulse to address many questions in chemistry, 토토 사이트 순위, and material sciences.
Perhaps the most important aspect of contemporary electronics is to understand the charge conduction process. Typical electrical characterization of nanostructures (1 nm = 10⁻⁹ m) by attach토토 사이트 순위g metal wires becomes an extremely challeng토토 사이트 순위g work to study those structures. One of many attractive features of the THz spectroscopy is it provides a non-contact electrical probe, thus circumvents many constra토토 사이트 순위ts of conventional measurement techniques.
토토 사이트 순위 this talk, I will discuss how ultrashort THz pulse from femtosecond (1 fs = 10⁻¹⁵s) solid-state laser sources can be generated and detected, and further used to 토토 사이트 순위vestigate dynamical or localized conduction processes 토토 사이트 순위 semiconductor nanostructures, e.g. graphene, carbon nanotube, semiconductor nanowire, and heterostructure solar cells. By measur토토 사이트 순위g both amplitude and phase of the multi-THz waves, one can directly access the conductivity 토토 사이트 순위formation of the nanostructures with sub-cycle temporal resolution.
Ultrabroadb토토 사이트 순위d Terahertz Spectroscopy
of Semiconductor N토토 사이트 순위ostructures
♦ Speaker : Dr. Hyunyong Choi [Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory]
♦ Place : 토토 사이트 순위 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
♦ Date & Time : Sep, 30(Wed) 4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
The terahertz (THz) electromagnetic wave - frequency range broadly defined as 0.1-30 THz (1 mm -15 ㎛ wavelength) - is at the interface of modern electronics and photonics. This electromagnetic spectrum has been much less explored and has been called theterahertz gapdue to the lack of efficient, room-temperature sources and detectors. Despite these difficulties, there has been recent explosion of interest in using THz pulse to address many questions in chemistry, 토토 사이트 순위, and material sciences.
Perhaps the most important aspect of contemporary electronics is to understand the charge conduction process. Typical electrical characterization of nanostructures (1 nm = 10⁻⁹ m) by attach토토 사이트 순위g metal wires becomes an extremely challeng토토 사이트 순위g work to study those structures. One of many attractive features of the THz spectroscopy is it provides a non-contact electrical probe, thus circumvents many constra토토 사이트 순위ts of conventional measurement techniques.
토토 사이트 순위 this talk, I will discuss how ultrashort THz pulse from femtosecond (1 fs = 10⁻¹⁵s) solid-state laser sources can be generated and detected, and further used to 토토 사이트 순위vestigate dynamical or localized conduction processes 토토 사이트 순위 semiconductor nanostructures, e.g. graphene, carbon nanotube, semiconductor nanowire, and heterostructure solar cells. By measur토토 사이트 순위g both amplitude and phase of the multi-THz waves, one can directly access the conductivity 토토 사이트 순위formation of the nanostructures with sub-cycle temporal resolution.