스포츠 토토 적중 결과PHYSICS/BK21 SEMINAR[09
Progress in Practical Applications of
Microwave Diagnostic Systems in KASTEC
Ø ♦ Speaker : Prof. Atsushi Mase (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
Ø ♦ Place : 토토 세븐 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
Ø ♦ Date & Time : July 10 (Fri), 16:00 ~ 17:00 pm
Reseach program on an active application of토토 세븐electromagnetic waves토토 세븐at토토 세븐Kyushu토토 세븐Art,
science토토 세븐and토토 세븐Technology토토 세븐center토토 세븐for Cooperative reseach (KASTEC) will be presented.
In particular, transmission, reflection, scattering, and radiation processes of EM waves
are utlized as disgnostic tools in various application fields. Also recent토토 세븐advancement
of토토 세븐practical토토 세븐application토토 세븐of microwave diagnostics in the frequency토토 세븐range토토 세븐of토토 세븐2-90
GHz such as cancer detection will be presented.
Contact Person : Prof. Hyeon K. Park(054-279-2096,토토 세븐hyeonpark@postech.ac.kr)
Progress in Practical Applications of
Microwave Diagnostic Systems in KASTEC
Ø ♦ Speaker : Prof. Atsushi Mase (Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan)
Ø ♦ Place : 토토 세븐 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
Ø ♦ Date & Time : July 10 (Fri), 16:00 ~ 17:00 pm
Reseach program on an active application of토토 세븐electromagnetic waves토토 세븐at토토 세븐Kyushu토토 세븐Art,
science토토 세븐and토토 세븐Technology토토 세븐center토토 세븐for Cooperative reseach (KASTEC) will be presented.
In particular, transmission, reflection, scattering, and radiation processes of EM waves
are utlized as disgnostic tools in various application fields. Also recent토토 세븐advancement
of토토 세븐practical토토 세븐application토토 세븐of microwave diagnostics in the frequency토토 세븐range토토 세븐of토토 세븐2-90
GHz such as cancer detection will be presented.
Contact Person : Prof. Hyeon K. Park(054-279-2096,토토 세븐hyeonpark@postech.ac.kr)