토토 사이트 먹튀/BK21 SEMINAR(09
"야구 토토 “Spatial and Spectral Nano-control of Micro-resonators”
ØSpeaker : Prof. Yong-Hee Lee [KAIST]
ØPlace : 야구 토토 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
ØDate & Time : Apr. 17(Fri)야구 토토4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
Ø Abstract
Spatially reconfigurable Gaussian-shaped photonic well is generated by contacting
a curved야구 토토tapered야구 토토micro-fiber onto a photonic crystal waveguide.야구 토토We야구 토토confirm the
photon trapping in this relocatable well by observing lasing action slightly below the
corresponding band edge.야구 토토In addition,야구 토토the feasibility of sub-nanometer야구 토토resonant
Tuning야구 토토is야구 토토demonstrated야구 토토by야구 토토growing야구 토토electron-beam-induced야구 토토nano-dots야구 토토inside
high-Q photonic crystal resonators.
Contact Person : Prof. Ki Bong Lee (054-279-2068, kibong@postech.ac.kr)야구 토토"
ØSpeaker : Prof. Yong-Hee Lee [KAIST]
ØPlace : 야구 토토 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
ØDate & Time : Apr. 17(Fri)야구 토토4:00 ~ 5:00 pm
Ø Abstract
Spatially reconfigurable Gaussian-shaped photonic well is generated by contacting
a curved야구 토토tapered야구 토토micro-fiber onto a photonic crystal waveguide.야구 토토We야구 토토confirm the
photon trapping in this relocatable well by observing lasing action slightly below the
corresponding band edge.야구 토토In addition,야구 토토the feasibility of sub-nanometer야구 토토resonant
Tuning야구 토토is야구 토토demonstrated야구 토토by야구 토토growing야구 토토electron-beam-induced야구 토토nano-dots야구 토토inside
high-Q photonic crystal resonators.
Contact Person : Prof. Ki Bong Lee (054-279-2068, kibong@postech.ac.kr)야구 토토"