• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 사이트 순위

토토 사이트 순위/BK21 SEMINAR (09/01/22)


"“Progress and future of 토토 사이트 순위 for strongly
correlated electron systems: personal view”

Speaker : Prof. Je-Geun Park [Sungkyunkwan University]
Place : 토토 사이트 순위 Seminar Room (Science Bldg, 3-201)
Date & Time : Jan,  22(Thu)  3:00  ~  4:00 pm


Modern condensed matter 토토 사이트 순위 has a long and rich history stretching over several decades. Each discovery of new materials and experimental inventions together with original ideas has enriched our understanding of nature. Consequences of these very intellectual endeavors have been wide and far reaching. Of several subjects, strongly correlated electron systems have remained at the forefront of condensed matter researches. Arguably, it is one of the most challenging and active fields. Naturally, investigations into the complex and rich phenomena of correlated materials have often led to new discoveries. In this talk, I will overview some of recent development in the field of strongly correlated electron 토토 사이트 순위 and cover latest experimental results by my group at Sungkyunkwan University. Personal view will be presented of how this field may develop over the coming years.

Contact Person : Prof. Jae-Hoon Park(054-279-2088, jhp@postech.ac.kr)"