토토 후기eSSC summer meeting (07/24)
electron Spin Science Center 2008 Summer Meeting 2008. 7. 24 ; Ho-Gil Kim Memorial Building #503 13:00 ~ 13:30 registration/ opening remark by eSSC director Yoon H. JEONG Session I토토 후기(chair: Hu-Jong Lee) 13:30 ~ 14:30 토토 후기 G. AEPPLI (University College of London) [invited talk] "Semiconductor physics and spintronics with heavy fermions" 14:30 ~ 15:00토토 후기 Jae-Hoon PARK (POSTECH) "Orbital Anisotropy in Fe based Multiferroic systems" 15:00 ~ 15:30 토토 후기 Yoon H. JEONG (POSTECH) “Reversible Fe cluster formation in LuFe2O4” 15:30 ~ 16:00 Coffee break Session II (chair: Byung-il Min) 16:00 ~ 16:30 Hu-Jong LEE (POSTECH) "Search for triplet superconductivity at ferromagnet/superconductor interfaces" 16:30 ~ 17:00 토토 후기 Ju-Jin KIM (Jonbuk National U) “Air stable n-type operations of Gd-contacted carbon nanotube field effect transistor” 17:00 ~ 17:30 K. W. LEE (Korea U) “Electrical switching controlled by magnetic field” Dinner 17:30 ~ 19:30 Session III (chair: J.-H. Park) 19:30 ~ 20:30 토토 후기 Young-Ah SOH (DartMouth University) [invited talk] “Mesoscopic effects in Cr films” 20:30 ~ 21:00 토토 후기 Hyun-Woo LEE (POSTECH) “Current-induced domain wall motion in a nanowire with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy” 21:00 ~ 21:30 토토 후기 Mahn-Soo CHOI (Korea U) "Quantum contextuality in a mesoscopic circuit" |