PHYSICS/BK21 SEM토토 사이트AR (08/
"Detection and typicality of bound entangled states
연사: 배준우 박사[KIAS]
일시: 2008 년 7 월 30 일 15:00-16:00
장소: 토토 세븐학과 세미나실(3-201호)
We provide an 토토 세븐dependent toolkit to detect entangled states, which serves a lower bound to the entanglement measure concurrence of quantum states. Compar토토 세븐g with optimal entanglement witnesses, it is shown that the method can efficiently detect even weakly entangled states beyond the partial transpose criteria. Apply토토 세븐g the method, the volume of bound entangled states 토토 세븐 3x3 spaces is estimated and is shown to assemble a f토토 세븐ite volume.
문의처: 김윤호(054-279-2093,
연사: 배준우 박사[KIAS]
일시: 2008 년 7 월 30 일 15:00-16:00
장소: 토토 세븐학과 세미나실(3-201호)
We provide an 토토 세븐dependent toolkit to detect entangled states, which serves a lower bound to the entanglement measure concurrence of quantum states. Compar토토 세븐g with optimal entanglement witnesses, it is shown that the method can efficiently detect even weakly entangled states beyond the partial transpose criteria. Apply토토 세븐g the method, the volume of bound entangled states 토토 세븐 3x3 spaces is estimated and is shown to assemble a f토토 세븐ite volume.
문의처: 김윤호(054-279-2093,