스포츠 토토 적중 결과 /BK21 Colloquium (08/05/23)
"Some Extras We Have to Know about 스포츠 토토 적중 결과
연사: 권오준 박사[POSCO]
일시: 2008 년 5 월 23 일 오후 3시
장소: 무은재 기념관 307호 (멀티미디어 강의실)
Steel is the most widely used materials. It has been used in human life for the last 5,000 years at least. The primary reason for this wide application of steel is attributed not only to the economy of manufacture but to the excellent physico-mechanical properties. Steel is the most voluminous material found in the earth, and can be refined from the ore by carbon at the moderately high temperature at reasonable cost. The abundance of steel lies on the fact that steel is the last material to be transformed by nuclear fusion and fission, the essential processes occurring during creation of the universe, so called ‘Big Bang’. Another interesting behavior of steel is that it transforms from BCC to FCC during heating. This transformation results in volume contraction at high temperature, a unique behavior observed only in steel among various metallic materials. The wide range of strength levels provided by steel is closely related with the unique transformation behavior. In the present presentation, a general overview will be given on the interesting and unique properties of steel which could attract young engineers not only due to the engineering usefulness but to the scientific interest. In addition, a brief comment is to be introduced on the steel technologies which need basic and fundamental research based on 스포츠 토토 적중 결과 and chemistry.
문의처: 지승훈(054-279-2094, jhish@postech.ac.kr)
연사: 권오준 박사[POSCO]
일시: 2008 년 5 월 23 일 오후 3시
장소: 무은재 기념관 307호 (멀티미디어 강의실)
Steel is the most widely used materials. It has been used in human life for the last 5,000 years at least. The primary reason for this wide application of steel is attributed not only to the economy of manufacture but to the excellent physico-mechanical properties. Steel is the most voluminous material found in the earth, and can be refined from the ore by carbon at the moderately high temperature at reasonable cost. The abundance of steel lies on the fact that steel is the last material to be transformed by nuclear fusion and fission, the essential processes occurring during creation of the universe, so called ‘Big Bang’. Another interesting behavior of steel is that it transforms from BCC to FCC during heating. This transformation results in volume contraction at high temperature, a unique behavior observed only in steel among various metallic materials. The wide range of strength levels provided by steel is closely related with the unique transformation behavior. In the present presentation, a general overview will be given on the interesting and unique properties of steel which could attract young engineers not only due to the engineering usefulness but to the scientific interest. In addition, a brief comment is to be introduced on the steel technologies which need basic and fundamental research based on 스포츠 토토 적중 결과 and chemistry.
문의처: 지승훈(054-279-2094, jhish@postech.ac.kr)