• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 후기
토토 후기
토토 후기

YongPyong Astro-Particle and Conformal Topical 토토 후기 2008


style=font-size:22.0pt;토토 후기:Times New RomanYongPyong Astro-Particle

style=font-size:22.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Romanand Conformal Topical
토토 후기 2008

style=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Roman;font-weight:normal;
mso-bidi-토토 후기:bold


style=font-size:14.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Roman1. Title:lang=EN-US style=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Roman;font-weight:
normal;mso-bidi-토토 후기:bold YongPyong Astro-Particle and Conformal
Topical 토토 후기 2008

Times New Roman;mso-fareast-토토 후기:굴림;mso-font-kerning:18.0pt


Times New Roman;mso-fareast-토토 후기:굴림;mso-font-kerning:18.0pt2. Venue:
style=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New RomanYongPyong
Resort, YongPyong, w:st=onKorea

mso-fareast-토토 후기:굴림;mso-font-kerning:18.0pt3. Period:style=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Roman February
25-29, 2008

mso-fareast-토토 후기:굴림;mso-font-kerning:18.0pt4. Home Pagestyle=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Roman

  href=http://apctp.org target=_blankhttp://apctp.org


토토 후기mso-special-character:line-break

-.49mso-fareast-토토 후기:굴림;mso-font-kerning:18.0pt5. Contactstyle=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Roman

(1) Organizer: Prof. Choong Sun Kim (Yonsei
Univ.) cskim@yonsei.ac.kr

(2) APCTP Secretary: sec@apctp.org

mso-fareast-토토 후기:굴림;mso-font-kerning:18.0pt6. Invited Speakerslang=EN-US style=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New Roman;mso-bidi-font-weight:

style=font-size:11.0pt;토토 후기:Times New RomanChang, We Fu
(National Tsing Hua U. Taiwan)

Colgain, E.O. (KIAS Korea)

He, Xiao Gang (National Taiwan U. Taiwan)

Hoang, Ngoc Long (VAST Vietnam)

Iso, Satoshi (KEK Japan)

Kang, S.K. (SNUT Korea)

Kim, C.S. (Yonsei U. Korea)

Kim, C.W. (KIAS Korea)

Kim, H.B. (Hangyang U. Korea)

Kim, S.B. (SNU Korea)

Kim, Y.G. (KAIST Korea)

Kim, Yoonbai (SKKU Korea)

Kwon, Y.J. (Yonsei U. Korea)

Lee, K. (KIAS Korea)

Lee, Kang Young (Korea U. Korea)

Li, Hsiang-nan (Academia Sinica Taiwan)

Morozumi, T. (Hiroshima U. Japan)

Nakajima, Hiroaki (SKKU Korea)

Nakao, Mikihiko (KEK Japan)

Park, Seong Chang (SNU Korea)

Sanda, A.I. (Kanagawa U. Japan)

Scopel, Stefano (KIAS Korea)

Suyama, Takao (SNU Korea)

Wen, W.Y. (National Taiwan U. Taiwan)

Yamamoto, H. (Tohoku U. Japan)

Yavartanoo, H. (SNU Korea)
