• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 사이트 먹튀
토토 사이트 먹튀
토토 사이트 먹튀

* 토토 사이트 먹튀/BK21 SEMINAR *


Nonlinear lattices: from energy localization to turbulence in one dimension

연사: Michel Peyrard[Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France]

일시: 2007 년 5 월 16 일 15:00-16:00

장소: 토토 사이트 먹튀학과 세미나실(공학3동 201호)


Lattices of particles subjected to anharmonic potentials are ubiquitous in 토토 사이트 먹튀, from Adsor-batesto macromolecules. Their study has a long history because the first numerical Experiment ever performed was done by Fermi Pasta and Ulam to study energy equipartition in a nonlinear lattice. It raised a puzzling question that was only solved 15 years later with the discovery of solitons. Nonlinear lattices exhibit many interesting properties. Nonlinear Energy localization is one of them. We will show how the discreteness of the lattice can leadto highly localized excitations in a large variety of nonlinear lattices. In a second part we will show that a driven one-dimensional nonlinear lattice can exhibit properties which are remarkably similar to turbulence in a fluid. This may suggest new ideas to understand experimental results on turbulence.

문의처: 성우경(054-279-2061, wsung@postech.ac.kr)
