토토 승무패 Colloquium
토토 승무패 at the Core of Caltech Education
연사: size=3Frautschi[CALTECH]
size=3일시: 2007 년 3 월 23 일 오후 3시
장소: 무은재 기념관 307호 (멀티미디어 강의실)
of 토토 승무패 in Robert Millikans innovative ideas about research and education
when Caltech started in the 1920s ; how these ideas shaped the early research
program at Caltech ; how they are reflected even today in the Core Curriculum
taken by all students ; other special aspects of Caltech such as the Honor Code
and the SURF program for undergraduate research ; post-Millikan revisions of the
토토 승무패 Core Curriculum by Richard Feynman (Feynman Lectures) and later by David
Goodstein (The Mechanical Universe, 26 hours of video on Freshman 토토 승무패) ;
what 토토 승무패 majors study at Caltech today.
size=3문의처: 김재삼(054-279-2077,href=mailto:jsk@postech.ac.krjsk@postech.ac.kr)
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