토토 세븐 Colloquium
Single-Molecule Bio토토 세븐 for DNA Replication
▶ 연사 : 이종봉 교수 [
▶ 일시 : 2007 년 3 월 9일(금) 오후
15:00 - 17:00
▶ 장소 : 무은재 기념관 307호 (멀티미디어 강의실)
The development of scientific techniques leads to new paradigms in biology
and allows interdisciplinary approaches for a variety of biological questions.
Especially, the single-moleculebio토토 세븐 that enables us to follow individual
molecules going through reactions reveals various biological processes at an
unprecedented level of detail we could not observe in conventional methods due
to ensembleaveraging. I will present a story of using a novel single-molecule
technique to study the mechanism of the DNA replication in T7 bacteriophage
that is the simplest model system for the DNA replication.
- 다음글 학과행사 안내
- 이전글 BK21 1차년도 대학원생 토토 승무패 발표회