* 토토 카지노/eSSC SEMINAR *
normal토토 카지노style=mso-bidi-font-weight:normalPackaging of High Power LEDsline-height:200%
Speaker : 신무환 박사[style=font-size:12pt; line-height:200%;Semiconductor 토토 카지노 Design
Location : 토토 카지노학과 세미나실 (공학3동 201호)
& Time : 1월 24일(수) 오후 15:30 ~ 17:00
lang=EN-USElang=EN-US style=font-size:12pt;ffective 토토 카지노 management in high power LEDs is still one of
critical issues for the realization of the devices for general illumination and
other applications which require high power operation. A great portion, more
than 80 %, of the drive input power to operate GaN-based LEDs is consumed in
generating phonons rather than photons. In this paperstyle=font-size:12pt; mso-fareast-font-family:바탕;mso-fareast-language:KO,lang=EN-US style=font-size:12pt; 토토 카지노 packaging schemes바탕;mso-fareast-language:KO will be discussedlang=EN-US style=font-size:12pt; from the
package level to system level. In particular,style=font-size:12pt; mso-fareast-font-family:바탕;mso-fareast-language:KOceramic packages
with different paths of 토토 카지노 dissipation were designed by using 토토 카지노
simulator which utilizes finite volume method. It was shown that the 토토 카지노
characteristics of the LED packages were strongly affected by the contact area
of 토토 카지노 via in contact with LED chip rather than that in contact with the
ceramic mold. Multi-chip schemes are also analyzed for 토토 카지노ly efficient LED
packaging design.