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스포츠 토토 판매점
스포츠 토토 판매점
스포츠 토토 판매점

2004-Summer PP Camp 안내 (스포츠 토토


"스포츠 토토 판매점-MSU mini-workshop
Spin-polarized Transport and Mesoscopic Physics
Feb. 16, 2004 (Mon) afternoon, Science Building 3-201

1:00 - 1:45스포츠 토토 판매점 William Pratt (MSU)
Current-Driven Switching in Magnetic Multilayers
1:45 - 2:30스포츠 토토 판매점 Hyun-Woo Lee (POSTECH)
Impurity effects on spin field effect transistor

2:45 - 3:30스포츠 토토 판매점 Norman Birge (MSU)
Energy and Phase Relaxation in Mesoscopic Metal Wires
3:30 - 4:15스포츠 토토 판매점 Jong-Hwa Eom (Sejong U.)
Phase coherence in dilute magnetic impurity metals near superconductor
4:15 - 5:00스포츠 토토 판매점 Hujong Lee (POSTECH)
Transport in Mesoscopic Ferromagnet/Superconductor Hybrid Structures