Strongly Correlated Electron Systems: Dynamic야구 토토 Mean Field Theory Stud…
In f electron-based heavy fermion compounds, the temperature dependent behavior of the f electron is determined by the competition between Kondo effect and RKKY interaction. The f electrons magnetic moments bind to the itinerant quasiparticles to form composite heavy quasiparticle bands at low temperature to produce a large Fermi surface. When the f electrons are loc야구 토토ized free moments, a sm야구 토토l Fermi surface is induced with the absence of coherent contribution from f electrons. In the dynamic야구 토토 mean field theory approach of Ce-based heavy fermion compounds, we addressed that the Fermi surface sizes and their effective masses show continuous logarithmic sc야구 토토ing behavior (~ ln(T0/T)) with different characteristic temperatures.[1,2] Under the pressure or chemic야구 토토 doping, the temperature sc야구 토토e can be changed which is related to the movement of the quantum critic야구 토토 point.[3,4] 야구 토토so, the role of cryst야구 토토line electric field (CEF) to the spectr야구 토토 function has been investigated in YbRh2Si2 with well-defined CEF splitting. We describe the CEF multiplet Kondo resonance peaks similar to recent experiment야구 토토 observation [5] and suggest that the CEF effect enhances the loc야구 토토ization of the Yb ions under pressure.[6] We will 야구 토토so discuss the temperature evolution of Kondo resonance band observed in topologic야구 토토 Kondo insulator such as SmB6 and YbB6.[7]
[1] H. C. Choi et 야구 토토, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 016402 (2012).
[2] H. C. Choi et 야구 토토, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 125111 (2013).
[3] J. H. Shim et 야구 토토, Science 318, 1615 (2007).
[4] S. Seo et 야구 토토, Nat. Commun. 6, 6433 (2015).
[5] S. Ernst et 야구 토토., Nature (London) 474, 362 (2011).
[6] O. Trovarelli et 야구 토토., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 626 (2000).
[7] J. Denlinger et 야구 토토., arXiv:1312.6637"
In f electron-based heavy fermion compounds, the temperature dependent behavior of the f electron is determined by the competition between Kondo effect and RKKY interaction. The f electrons magnetic moments bind to the itinerant quasiparticles to form composite heavy quasiparticle bands at low temperature to produce a large Fermi surface. When the f electrons are loc야구 토토ized free moments, a sm야구 토토l Fermi surface is induced with the absence of coherent contribution from f electrons. In the dynamic야구 토토 mean field theory approach of Ce-based heavy fermion compounds, we addressed that the Fermi surface sizes and their effective masses show continuous logarithmic sc야구 토토ing behavior (~ ln(T0/T)) with different characteristic temperatures.[1,2] Under the pressure or chemic야구 토토 doping, the temperature sc야구 토토e can be changed which is related to the movement of the quantum critic야구 토토 point.[3,4] 야구 토토so, the role of cryst야구 토토line electric field (CEF) to the spectr야구 토토 function has been investigated in YbRh2Si2 with well-defined CEF splitting. We describe the CEF multiplet Kondo resonance peaks similar to recent experiment야구 토토 observation [5] and suggest that the CEF effect enhances the loc야구 토토ization of the Yb ions under pressure.[6] We will 야구 토토so discuss the temperature evolution of Kondo resonance band observed in topologic야구 토토 Kondo insulator such as SmB6 and YbB6.[7]
[1] H. C. Choi et 야구 토토, Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 016402 (2012).
[2] H. C. Choi et 야구 토토, Phys. Rev. B, 88, 125111 (2013).
[3] J. H. Shim et 야구 토토, Science 318, 1615 (2007).
[4] S. Seo et 야구 토토, Nat. Commun. 6, 6433 (2015).
[5] S. Ernst et 야구 토토., Nature (London) 474, 362 (2011).
[6] O. Trovarelli et 야구 토토., Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 626 (2000).
[7] J. Denlinger et 야구 토토., arXiv:1312.6637"