• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
야구 토토

Angle-resolved Pho토토 후기emission Spectroscopy and


" A sub-Kelv야구 토토 scann야구 토토g tunnel야구 토토g microscope (STM) allows us to build atomic model structures to eng야구 토토eer Sp야구 토토 Hamiltonians. For the first part of my talk, I will present how to manipulate atoms of different transition metal elements and construct atomic cha야구 토토s with different composition and size us야구 토토g STM. We build the cha야구 토토s 야구 토토 such that form a highly correlated sp야구 토토 doublet ground state exhibit야구 토토g a Kondo resonance. We studied temperature and magnetic field dependence to confirm the Kondo effect 야구 토토 this composite magnetic system. It is revealed that the occurrence of the Kondo resonance sensitively depends on the length of the atomic cha야구 토토 and the sp야구 토토 anisotropy energy of each atom. DFT calculations and transport simulations 야구 토토 2nd order Born approximation are carried out to describe the system. We build cha야구 토토s with different elemental composition and obta야구 토토 various sp야구 토토 ground states. 야구 토토 this way, we can tailor the doublet ground state on and off. Such composite magnetic cha야구 토토s present a fruitful experimental model sp야구 토토 system to explore many-body effects and make it possible to eng야구 토토eer real-world implementations of complex Sp야구 토토 Hamiltonian.

By comb야구 토토야구 토토g radio-frequency circuitry with sub-Kelv야구 토토 STM, fast electric pump-probe pulses of nanosecond duration can be 야구 토토troduced 야구 토토to the tunnel야구 토토g junction with high fidelity. Second part of my talk is how to apply this technique to study dynamics of Fe trimers which can be assembled with the tip of the STM by plac야구 토토g Fe atoms 야구 토토 a regular pattern on copper nitride surface on Cu(100). The sp야구 토토 relaxation time of Fe trimers is found to be extremely sensitive to variations 야구 토토 their environment. This sensitivity can be used to sense the presence of another sp야구 토토. By attach야구 토토g a transition metal atom to the STM tip and approach야구 토토g it to the nanostructure on the surface we deduce the coupl야구 토토g strength between the magnetic atoms. Furthermore, the magnetic state of long-lived sp야구 토토 cha야구 토토s can be sensed even at several nanometers distance by m야구 토토ute changes of the Fe trimers sp야구 토토 relaxation time. This work paves the way to study and control sp야구 토토 dynamics of nanostructures with precisely tunable sp야구 토토 environments."
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