Electr토토 사이트 순위ic, Magnetic, and Superc토토 사이트 순위ducting
The d-토토 카지노s in transition metals are tightly bound and hence slow in hopping. For such lazy 토토 카지노s, inter-토토 카지노 interaction is more important than lattice effects or kinetic energy, and Fermi liquid theory breaks down generically: neither band picture nor RPA approximation works for them. Solving such strongly interacting 토토 카지노 liquids belongs to the same class of solving nuclear matter theory or turbulent flow, which are Million Dollar problems of Clay institute. Recently string theory suggested a dual formulation which maps the strongly interacting quntum system to weakly interacting gravitational one. We introduce such a dual formulation for d-토토 카지노s to calculate two point functions and transport coefficients whose reliable calculations are not available in other methods. We also suggest an understanding why strongly interacting systems equilibrate so fast and equilibrium thermodynamics and hydrodynamics are so useful.