• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
와이즈 토토 앱
와이즈 토토 앱
와이즈 토토 앱

How Quantum Mechanics May Meet Nano Optics: Molecular


For the past 28 years since I was at POSTECH, my research area has been statistical 와이즈 토토 앱. One of my major concerns has been the interface between 와이즈 토토 앱 and biology, particularly between statistical 와이즈 토토 앱 and bio와이즈 토토 앱. The bio-soft condensed matter systems in mesoscale (e.g., biopolymers, membranes, and cells) “live on” thermal fluctuations, and due to their unusual structural flexibility and connectivity, manifest a variety of emergent, cooperative behaviors, which can be related to biological self-organization. In this retirement commemorative talk, I will overview the pathway I have taken in the valley deep between two different sciences, searching for new statistical 와이즈 토토 앱 problems and paradigms.