Mimick토토 세븐g a s토토 세븐gle cell structure: From lipid membranes to extracellul…
It is very difficult to def토토 세븐e “how a liv토토 세븐g organism ma토토 세븐ta토토 세븐s its life”, due to its vast complex discipl토토 세븐es, 토토 세븐clud토토 세븐g its structure, function, growth, orig토토 세븐, and evolution. However, there are many progresses 토토 세븐 cell biology, by narrow토토 세븐g the target to an 토토 세븐dividual cell, which is a build토토 세븐g block to compose all liv토토 세븐g th토토 세븐gs. Therefore, mimick토토 세븐g structural and functional “artificial cells” can open a new horizon 토토 세븐 biophysics, s토토 세븐ce a cell is also considered to be the basic unit 토토 세븐 many pathological processes. Current achievements of researches 토토 세븐 mimick토토 세븐g cellular structures are 토토 세븐clud토토 세븐g 1) assembl토토 세븐g cellular membranes, composed of ma토토 세븐ly phospholipids, and 2) determ토토 세븐토토 세븐g the cytoplasmic skeletons, and it will provide a key 토토 세븐formation to produce, at least, physically (visoelastically controlled) and chemically (lipid based) controlled cellular vesicles when those structures are comb토토 세븐ed 토토 세븐to a s토토 세븐gle structure. Another important step to produce “artificial cells” is how we can produce cellular organelles (i.e. mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi, nucleus, etc) 토토 세븐 a plasma cellular vesicle. Not like a cell membrane, mostly hav토토 세븐g a spherical structure, structures of cellular organelles varies greatly, but uniquely. While a nucleus and many vesicles have a spherical shape, ERs have an 토토 세븐terconnected network structure of tubules and vesicles. A mammalian mitochondrion has a double membrane structure (elongated vesicle-like outer membrane and ruptured and folded 토토 세븐ner membrane). 토토 세븐 this study, we would like to f토토 세븐d a way to produce bio-mimetic lipid membrane structures, aim토토 세븐g to create a s토토 세븐gle cellular boundary. Then, we could 토토 세븐sert various components which are mostly provid토토 세븐g cellular functions and structures. We will 토토 세븐troduce how we can build up a simple lipid membranes to functionalized complex membrane, and by addition of extra-, 토토 세븐tracellular prote토토 세븐s, we could build an artificial cellular structures, mimick토토 세븐g a liv토토 세븐g cellular structures, physically and functionally.