• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
야구 토토

Multi-hierarchy simulation bridg토토 후기g gaps between macro-


One of missions in condensed matter physics is to search novel 야구 토토 matter, where electrons are no longer electrons at low temperatures. In this colloquium, we introduce how electrons decay into more basic but not fundamental, emergent excitations in various systems of strongly correlated electrons. First, we look around several examples for electron fractionalization and feel that these phenomena are rather ubiquitous near 야구 토토 criticality. Second, we discuss why it is difficult to understand non-Fermi liquid physics near 야구 토토 critical points. When correlations of electrons are enhanced, electrons become localized and Mott insulators appear. Third, we present what happens when 야구 토토 criticality meets the Mott metal-insulator transition. In particular, we introduce two competing scenarios for Mott 야구 토토 criticality, where one is to extend the Kondo effect and the other is to generalize the concept of Luttinger liquid. In this talk, we feel universality from variety, characterized by "emergence" in condensed matter physics.