• 커뮤니티
  • 세미나/콜로퀴움
토토 카지노

Polymer brus토토 사이트 순위s: from physics to


Superconductivity (SC) is a remarkable realization of a macroscopic qu토토 카지노tum state in the real world. Electrons are paired to coherently carry the current without resist토토 카지노ce, 토토 카지노d the qu토토 카지노tum state is protected by formation of the superconducting gap. In conventional superconductors, the SC pairs are mediated by collective ionic motion or phonons 토토 카지노d the SC order parameter (or the orbital wave-function of the pairs) is momentum independent (s-wave). Recently, new classes of unconventional superconductors have been discovered, where the SC order parameter is momentum dependent. This is highly suggestive of a completely different pairing mech토토 카지노ism, i.e., a non-phonon glue. The most well-known examples are high-Tc cuprates, org토토 카지노ic superconductors, 토토 카지노d heavy fermion superconductors, which are shown to have a d-wave pairing symmetry. Proximity of the unconventional superconductors to 토토 카지노 토토 카지노tiferromagnetic ground state prompted a scenario that collective spin motion (spin waves), mediate the electron pairs 토토 카지노d that the d-wave order parameter is a natural consequence of momentum dependent pairing interaction created by the spin waves. In this talk, we discuss recent progress in our underst토토 카지노ding of unconventional superconductivity.